Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Welcome to the neighbourhood!

I was lucky enough to be able to buy three more girls from Deena Avery, and made the trip down to pick them up yesterday. 

 Being sheep - they took it all in stride.

 UH...we're somewhere new - HEY, GRASS!

The trailer took things in stride too, but came home with a lot of excess baggage...

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Gordon RAMsey


Meet Gordon - the man behind "Men At Work".  We purchased him from Deena Avery last year as a yearling.  Bred to 4 ewes, he produced 7 ewe and 2 ram lambs - very nice of him as we are building up our flock right now, so needless to say we were hoping for girls! We've been very pleased with his progeny and can't thank Deena enough for selling us this good ram. We'll be breeding him to 7 ewes this winter - with the continued plan to keep back the ewe lambs and sell any ram lambs as grass fed lamb.

Ewe lamb out of Gordon.

After this breeding season, we'll be offering Gordon up for sale and the hunt will begin for another ram of equal quality. 

If you're interested in Gordon or would like more information, contact us at info@sheepthrillsranch.ca

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Sunday, September 5, 2010

There must be something in the water this year

or the weather, or all the manure, mulch, etc that we've added to the garden. The veggies have been going nuts. Officially the "veggie freezer" is full and there's still a bunch of stuff to wedge into it - what a terrible problem to have. ;-) 
Travis dug a hill of potatoes last night for supper and this is what we got. 

Over seven pounds of potatoes...

 including this sucker which weighed in at over two and a quarter pounds. 


Thursday, September 2, 2010